!!! Barack Obama Wins US Election !!!
What a night – for many different glorious reasons.
I had been looking forward to last night for an absolute age, as a) I wanted to watch the US Election result unfold before my eyes and b) I was certain I could get a lot of our Clan Members onto CoD4. The night did not disappoint on any level.
Save for perhaps – Sporran. Poor chap was afflicted with the RRoD (again!) a few days ago and is not too happy a chappy. May your Box be soon replaced, Spoz (PC gaming for a while for you, no?).
So, tuesday afternoon flew by at work and I was fully looking forward to the spectacle that lay ahead of me. On the way home, I popped into the Bottle Shop to get three bottles of Cabernet-Syrah (J P Chenet – good maker, buy 2 get one free (BTGOF) for £12 – bargain.
I’d already tapped up the Clan Members to poll the possibility of a good few hours of CoD4 before the real Republican Killing began (in a wholly literal sense, of course), so was confident we’d have a full team to fight the good fight.
Spent a little while farking around with Drupal and PHP on a website project of mine (changing the $User_Access value to TRUE from FALSE was an utter pig in a fat fucking poke), made dinner, ate it, watched ‘Benders and then poured the wine and got the bean bag ready for the trigger action.
Get in.
Finally, after some massive Lag Issues, we got into the thing with great gusto and laid the shit down. Good times… Good times…
And some Bad Times…
“We will never have a black President!” Some fucking nob-jock was ranting in the game Lobby, just before he put his pointy hat on, I imagine.
“Just think of how it’ll feel as that black president fucks your daughter,” a pithy reply retorted.
The nob-jock duly shut up…
The games were alright, but superbly Laggy, as our Mashers likes to inform us in-play:
“Have that you Laggy Fuck,” he intones, “And you, you Laggy fucker…”
Just smiles and smiles and smiles…
Especially good lark was the Private Game we (unintendedly) played to crack the evening off, fripping about with rooms, matches and lobbies.
It was only 3 vs 3, but it was three of us versus three of the rest of us, in Vacant, which is always a good laugh. Whilst very close, we got ripped in two by Nicster, who seems not only to have memorised the entire map, but also it seems that he probably designed it aswell, such was his prowess.
Against the Yanks, it was always a close, but mixed affair, with victory going both ways…
And then, past Midnight, our numbers dwindled and the second bottle of wine was uncooked and the sofa gained a new jockey.
I managed to keep it straight until 02:23, which by that time Dimbleby’s tin drawl was sending me to sleep and Obama was far predicted to lead the race, so I headed for the sheets.
Forgot to brush my teeth though.
Black teeth in the (morn)ing, la, la, la, la, lah…
Roll on the Wednesday Night CoD4 Fight Up.
And it’s Guy Fawkes’ Night…