Author: LogrusUK

CoD: Modern Warfare 2 Announced

Incgames reports that Activison has confirmed the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for the back end of 2009!

Full article below and site here.

Activision has confirmed it intends to release a sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare before the end of 2009.

The news came during the publisher’s Q4 2008 earnings call and it was revealed the game would likely be released in the “back half of the year.”

“We will also release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 from Infinity Ward,” said president and CEO Mike Griffith.

WaW – Double Points Week for LCE Owners reports that Activision has announced and confirmed a Double Points Week from Friday 5th December to Friday 12th December for all XBox360 (and PC) owners of the Limited Collector’s Edition of Call of Duty: World at War.

Lucky, lucky, lucky.

Full article here

This is, of course, in addition to the extra Game Modes available in the Officer’s Club – only available to LCE owners.

Downloadable Content for World at War

C&VG report that CoD:WaW developers Treyarch are going to do something “off the beaten path” with the DLC for WaW.

Senior Producer Noah Heller has also confirmed the possibility of adding some extra Co-Op Campaign Maps.

All in all, the new DLC (of which they aim to release 2, maybe 3 packs) will be a little different from the added map packs of CoD4 fame.

Keep at least one eye open…

Full article here:

Nacht der Untoten

Strange that they’ve taken the deviation from the norm and called their Zombie Mode “Night of the Undead”, when all else assumes that they are already undead and calls it Night of the Dead, or The Living Dead… I am so interesting, I Google Translated “Nacht Der Untoten”.

But what a session last night! Letzte Nacht!

ProEvo came and played – our last game of the nacht and it was his first time on the (unlocked) Nazi Zombie Mode, joining Nicster, Reapa and myself and it proved to be the best combo of a team we’ve ever had.